

Brand Introduction

Launched in 2008, Guliduo is Yili's first milk-and-cereal product. To meet modern consumers' needs for balanced nutrition, Guliduo integrates traditional Chinese grains into pure milk, combining multiple nutrients in one innovative product. By blending the nutrition of grains and milk, Guliduo aims to create a new standard of health and wellness and enable consumers to enjoy an upbeat, energetic lifestyle.

Product Advantages
Guoliduo 200ml Oat Milk Australian sun-dried oats with chewy whole oat grains
High-quality dairy with fresh milk flavor.
Selected Australian sunshine oats, paired with pure and fragrant milk. You can chew real oatmeal granules with every bite. It is a nutritious and authentic oat milk.
Guoliduo 250ml Red Bean/Black Bean Milk Red bean: select red beans/red rice/red peanut, carefully prepared
From high-quality dairy source
Multi -dimensional nutrition with dietary fiber and vitamin E, vitamin B2, niacin (nicotinamide) , balanced nutrition, chewy whole grains and bean bits ,which can inject vitality to your body;
[Guoliduo 250ml Peanut Protein Drink] Selected peanuts + high-quality dairy for double nutrition, smooth, creamy peanut flavor (not greasy), nostalgic peanut taste memory, balanced dual (dairy/peanut) nutrition for energy and vitality
Guoliduo The coconut milk is imported from Indonesia, with a rich coconut fragrance.
Selected Australian sunshine oats, paired with pure and fragrant milk. You can chew real oatmeal granules with every bite. It is a nutritious and authentic coconut oat milk.
Guoliduo Black bean: black beans/black rice/black sesame, carefully prepared
From high-quality dairy source ,balanced nutrition, chewy whole grains and bean bits, provide sustained energy
Social Responsibility

近日 ,谷粒多联合「我可想死你们了」的冯巩老师拍摄的微影戏《我和我的村》上映 ,通过直播助力乡村振兴。片中的老冯突发奇想领导村民们一起直播 ,但村民们并不睬解 ,直播的开展也不顺利。所幸最后村民们理解了老冯想要通过直播助推滞销农产品销量的良苦用心 ,都积极投入到了直播中来。老冯所在的乡村只是一个缩影 ,谷粒多将联合快手走遍中国南北的百余座乡村 ,集结百名村干部开展百场乡亲直播 ,除了讲述地方特色风土人情外 ,也把村里的实力好货能够面向全国。1 月 10 日起连续十天 ,谷粒多接待消费者来到乡村直播间选购品质好年货。[SocialBeta]

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